Find vaccination opprotunities in Canada

I’ve made a website Vaccine Updates based on streamlit which helps people to find vaccination opportunities in Canada. This website collects tweets from Vaccine Hunters Twitter and let users filter tweets based province, age group, postal codes to find vaccination opportunities in their areas. The source code is available at Github

However, I need help from community on

  • How can I change the title of the website? I’ve tried st.set_page_config(page_title='Vaccine Updates (Canada)', layout='wide'). But the title is still Streamlit
  • I am trying to preserve the value input by the users across page views and refresh. I’ve tried the approach detailed here. Unfortunately it’s not working. Is there any way to preserve across page refresh?
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Hey @riyad_parvez,

First, welcome to the Streamlit community! :tada: :partying_face: :partying_face: :tada: :star_struck:

I might be able to help you with your questions:

  • So when I visit your app I see the title you passed to page_title the Streamlit you see after that is always there
  • You might want to use the new (version 0.81) st.forms for all your inputs, I think this would help you on the flow!
    Version 0.81.0
  • So when I visit your app I see the title you passed to page_title the Streamlit you see after that is always there

I did change the title using page_config. I still see “Streamlit” at the end of the title. Looks like this is an outstanding issue: How to hide "· Streamlit" in app name - #4 by MaxMnemo.

You might want to use the new (version 0.81) st.forms for all your inputs, I think this would help you on the flow!

Thanks for the suggestion. I have used this feature Experimental set_query_params and get_query_params issue, which let me help at least get some of what I wanted. I thought this is the link you posted.