def main():
results = "false"
with st.sidebar:
logo_image = r"Preformatted textlogo.png"
st.image(logo_image, width=100)
# Input fields for user inputs
domain_name = st.text_input("Enter the data domain:",placeholder="Example: Supply Chain, Commercial....")
option = st.selectbox(
"Choose the tool for fetching technical metadata:",
("Collibra", "Informatica CDGC"),
placeholder="Select the tool...",
if option == "Collibra":
asset_id = st.text_input("Enter the Collibra table UUID:")
if option == "Informatica CDGC":
# Create a file uploader for Excel files
uploaded_asset_file = st.file_uploader("Upload the Informatica CDGC asset template:", type=["xls", "xlsx"])
# File uploader for PDF file
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload the contextual document:", type="pdf")
runbtn = st.button("Generate results")
if runbtn:
results = "true"
if option == "Collibra":
collibra_column_descriptions = collibra_onclick(domain_name,asset_id,uploaded_file)
if option == "Informatica CDGC":
informatica_column_descriptions = informatica_onclick(domain_name,uploaded_file,uploaded_asset_file)
description_display = informatica_column_descriptions[['Parent: Technical Data Set','Name','Description']]
description_display.rename(columns={'Parent: Technical Data Set':'Table Name','Name':'Column Name','Description':'Column Description'},inplace=True)
description_display.insert(0, 'Sr No.', description_display.index + 1)
with st.container():
if results == "true" :
if option == "Collibra":
with st.form("my_form"):
edited_df = st.data_editor(collibra_column_descriptions)
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Download Curated Asset Data")
if submitted:
st.write("Edited dataframe:", edited_df)
# download_excel(edited_df)
if option == "Informatica CDGC":
Once I click on the “Download Curated Asset Data”, it refreshes the content within the container and it shows blank page with only the sidebar.