Fullscreen button

Hello folks

I just updated my streamlit from 1.9.2 to 1.35.0 and noticed the fullscreen button disappeared in the newer version (see image). Couldnt find how to bring it back. Any thoughts?


It is there for me.


oh boy… what version are you using?

On streamlit version 1.27.2, I’m seeing the full-screen button on plotly charts, but it only shows up on hover:

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Tried 1.32.2, 1.35.0 and 1.36.0. All of them worked as expected.

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@Giselle pasted your code in my environment, the chart shows alright but no sign of the Full Screen Button. I can’t afford changing versions as I could compromise other stuff in my code. So I came up with this workaround, on which I enable the displayModeBar back again and choose which buttons I want to hide (I removed all but the fullscreen):

plotly_modebar_config = {'displaylogo': False,
                         'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom', 'pan', 'zoomIn', 'zoomOut', 'lasso', 'autoScale','select2d',

st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True, config=plotly_modebar_config)

more info on this: Configuration in Python

It’s not exactly the solution I wanted but it would do for now. Thanks @Giselle and @Goyo for your time and help :wink:

FWIW, the image in the OP looks like an altair chart and that is what I tested. The fullscreen button in plotly charts is different but it works in streamlit 1.35.0 too.

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Yes I use altair, but it worked on the previous version, so still a mistery why it’s not showing on the current version. Thanks

It seems to work with every altair plot out there, so it must be something specific to your code or your setup.

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