Get accuracy in Streamlit

Hi Streamlit Community

I have just created my second Machine Learning project to predict if a song is going to be a hit or not.

And I am trying to find out how to make it interactive. I mean, if I want to know if a new song, that just has been released, is going to be a hit or not, could I use Streamlit to create like an interface, so I could write the features of that song, so Streamlit could return the accuracy of that song to be a hit or not?


Hello @Roma-Rubio,

Thatโ€™s an ambitious and interesting project!

To answer your question, absolutely! You can build your machine learning process, feed it with inputs from some streamlitโ€™s widgets like text inputs, sliders, checkboxes, and display any information you want with textual (markdown, text, etc.) and graphical widgets (plotly_chart, etc.)

All in all, Sreamlit is all about getting inputs and presenting results with widgets. What you implement and how you use them is up to you

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