Help me

can anyone explain me why streamlit is not receiving from streamlit_lottie import st_lottie

This is too little information to give any advice.
Please share a link to your public github repo.

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I’m having the same issue: ModuleNotFoundError related to “from streamlit_lottie import st_lottie”

my public repo:

Welcome to the community.
Unfortunately too little information.

I have to guess: Probably you habe no requirements.txt file with this dependency in your github repo.

This is not your public repo, it is your public app, but we need the github repo to have a look at your code.

ahh… okay sorry, my repo is GitHub - stevieontario/etrak_site: emissionTrak streamlit app

First timer!

… and you’re right, the requirements.txt does not include this dependency. Figuring out how to add these.

Thanks for your quick reply, and thanks for contributing such an awesome framework – very happy I stumbled across it

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Hi, no worries. everyone comes from different backgrounds :slight_smile:. Love that you’re enjoying Streamlit and Streamlit welcomes any feedback, good AND bad.
Here are some resources to help you figure out requirements.txt:

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