Help multiline string not working

trying to display multiline help , but appeared in one line

import streamlit as st

help_input='''This is the line1
This is the line 2
This is the line 3'''
st.text_area("Enter function details",help=help_input)

Hi @Naveen_Bhaskar,

To create a multi-line tooltip with x lines, append a new line character \n to the end of x-1 lines of your string help_input like so:

import streamlit as st

help_input='''This is the line1\n
This is the line 2\n
This is the line 3'''
st.text_area("Enter function details",help=help_input)


Hope this helps! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Happy Streamlit-ing! :balloon:

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Thank you its worked.

import streamlit as st 

This is the line1

    This is the line 2
    This is the line 3'''
st.text_area("Enter function details",help=help_input)

The above code also helped me but copy button is not working.