I am using the following code for taking user input , but the output is not rendering.
code inside if condition is not working. if i place the txt area outside if, it works.
Any help would be appreciated
option = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select option", ("Text Summarisation", "Web Scrapping", "Video Summarisation"))
def get_option(option):
if option == "Text Summarisation":
sentence = st.text_area('Enter your text here...')
if sentence:
summarization = pipeline("summarization")
summary_text = summarization(sentence)[0]['summary_text']
Hi @Shambhavi4, welcome to the Streamlit community!!
Could you clarify what exactly within which of the if blocks isn’t working? I’m unable to reproduce the error on my end. Your code seems to work as expected:
import streamlit as st
from transformers import pipeline
def get_option(option):
if option == "Text Summarisation":
sentence = st.text_area('Enter your text here...')
if sentence:
summarization = pipeline("summarization")
summary_text = summarization(sentence)[0]['summary_text']
option = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select option", ("Text Summarisation", "Web Scrapping", "Video Summarisation"))
Thanks @snehankekre
The code is not producing the output at my end. It displays nothing.
Thanks for your response. The code worked. I found the error. I want not calling the fnction correctly
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