Hi Guys,
I am currently struggling with a single dataframe that i cannot show in a Pie-chart like I want to.
I managed to get a filter running and make a rudimentary table out of it, which shows some data including some marks of people who participated:
What I wanted to achieve:
The Pie-chart should now show all amounts of marks to the Movie and show the ratio of votes in the pie-chart.
Possible Votes:
amount_wertvoll_1, amount_gut_2, amount_okay_3, amount_schlecht_4, amount_grottig_5
Then I tried to create a Pie-chart to show the amount of marks a Movie has received:
I could only get one mark to work, others do not seem to be accepted due to syntax and lead to an error.
pie_chart = px.pie(movie_select,
title="film: PLACEHOLDER",
I looked up examples and the docs multiple times, but it looks like they do not cover up my case…
Am I missing something out?
I really appreciate any Help. Thanks in advance