Hide Streamlit Loader

Is there anyway using which I can hide the default loader, the one located at the top right corner of the screen?

Thank you

Hi, you can try to use the code below to hide the “running man” loader, refer to Remove/Hide "running man" animation on top of page

hide_streamlit_style = """
                div[data-testid="stToolbar"] {
                visibility: hidden;
                height: 0%;
                position: fixed;
                div[data-testid="stDecoration"] {
                visibility: hidden;
                height: 0%;
                position: fixed;
                div[data-testid="stStatusWidget"] {
                visibility: hidden;
                height: 0%;
                position: fixed;
                #MainMenu {
                visibility: hidden;
                height: 0%;
                header {
                visibility: hidden;
                height: 0%;
                footer {
                visibility: hidden;
                height: 0%;
st.markdown(hide_streamlit_style, unsafe_allow_html=True)

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