Remove/Hide "running man" animation on top of page


I found a way to remove the “made with streamlit” footer and the main menu on the top right corner. Is there any way to remove the running man animation from streamlit, which appears whenever some component is loading?


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Same issue.

You can try to remove everything using this:

hide_streamlit_style = """
                div[data-testid="stToolbar"] {
                visibility: hidden;
                height: 0%;
                position: fixed;
                div[data-testid="stDecoration"] {
                visibility: hidden;
                height: 0%;
                position: fixed;
                div[data-testid="stStatusWidget"] {
                visibility: hidden;
                height: 0%;
                position: fixed;
                #MainMenu {
                visibility: hidden;
                height: 0%;
                header {
                visibility: hidden;
                height: 0%;
                footer {
                visibility: hidden;
                height: 0%;
st.markdown(hide_streamlit_style, unsafe_allow_html=True) 



this actually works , thanks !

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