Hide the arrow in st.metric

I love the new widget st.metric. I’ve been using to show statistical values and I’d like to use the “delta” to show a p-value.

If I control the color using delta_color, I can make values for p>0.05 be red and p<0.05 be green. I still can’t remove the up arrow which is confusing in this case.

Any tips on removing the arrow?

import streamlit as st
st.metric('x1', value=99.2, delta='p value = 0.02', delta_color='normal')
st.metric('x2', value=47.3, delta='p value = 0.07', delta_color='inverse')

Screenshot from 2021-08-30 16-28-25

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Hey Travis :wink:

Hmm that’s a use case that delta wasn’t really intended for :smiley: You can hack it with some custom CSS:

import streamlit as st

    [data-testid="stMetricDelta"] svg {
        display: none;

st.metric('x1', value=99.2, delta='p value = 0.02', delta_color='normal')
st.metric('x2', value=47.3, delta='p value = 0.07', delta_color='inverse')

I’ll note down for v2 of st.metric that we need to find a better solution for this use case. If it’s something other people also struggling with, we can bump up the priority of it!

Cheers, Johannes


Thanks! This works perfectly.

I think it would be nice to expose the showing the up/down arrow and potentially the actual color (what if we want more than green or red?)

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Great, that’s just what I was looking for, and curiously for the same application as @metasemantic. It would be wonderful if for future updates it would be possible to do some more customization to this widget. Thanks @jrieke.

Please how can i make metric label a link to another browser.

I am currently doing this with my code; :point_down:

startup=m1.markdown("""<a style="font-size: 1rem; color:black; text-align:center;" href="https://startuplagos.net/"><b>Startups 🏢</b></a>""",
deals=m3.markdown("""<a style="font-size:1rem; color:black;text-align:center;" href="https://startuplagos.net/"><b>Deals 💱</b></a>""",
hubs=m5.markdown("""<a style="font-size:1rem; color:black;text-align:center;" href="https://startuplagos.net/"><b>Hubs 🏙️</b></a>""",
academic=m7.markdown("""<a style="font-size:1rem; color:black;text-align:center;" href="https://startuplagos.net/"><b>Academic Tech📚</b></a>""",
investors=m9.markdown("""<a style="font-size:1rem; color:black;text-align:center;" href="https://startuplagos.net/"><b>Investors 💰</b></a>""",
m1.metric(label="",value=1209, delta="5% MOM")
m3.metric(label="", value=140, delta="-5% MOM")
m5.metric(label="", value=500, delta="-2% MOM")
m7.metric(label="",value=45,delta="3% MOM")
m9.metric(label="",value=100,delta="4% MOM")

I think adding it in the next version might be a nice functionality!