How can I configure my sidebar page?

I’m working on Visual Studio Code, I have been working on a app. Until this moment in looks like:

By default the .py files in which I create the app are show in the sidebar, but I just want to see “Inicio” and under this I want to create a select_box that contain the years and allow me to surf into that pages (years in this case) . I don’t want to see 2013,2014 as well.

I’ve tried some options but those are shown under the image you see.

How can I fix that??

Thk u!

You can do this by disabling the normal page list in the sidebar by creating a file called .streamlit/config.toml that looks like this streamlit-login/.streamlit/config.toml at main · blackary/streamlit-login · GitHub

Once you’ve done that, you can add whatever you want to add in the sidebar, like this:

import streamlit as st

def switch_page():
    year = st.session_state.year

st.sidebar.page_link("pages/", label="Incio")

st.sidebar.selectbox("Year", ["2013", "2014"], on_change=switch_page, key="year")

You can also take a look at this example New login page navigation example with streamlit 1.31 for a more complex custom sidebar


Your answer has been useful. By the way when I try to get into new pages, the information doesn’t appear.

Can u help me???

Thk u!!

Sorry, I should have mentioned – if you use that method, you have to run that code that I shared on every page.

If you look at my example here, you can see that I made a function called “make_sidebar” and I then call that on every page, which is a nice way to do it without repeating yourself too much.

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