Hi all.
I successfully deployed an app and I am really enjoying Streamlit. Currently, my code below shows a folium map of cooks in a location by an icon and allows you to select the mile radius you would like to display around all of the cooks.
I would like to add a multi select box, which allows you to pick which cooks are on the map. However I cannot for the life of me figure out how to incorporate st.multiselect!
dicts = {"1 mile":1609,
"2 miles": 3218,
"3 miles": 4828}
add_select = st.sidebar.selectbox("What radius do you want to assign?",
("1 mile", "2 miles","3 miles"))
def show_maps(data, df):
lat= 51.64270
lon = -0.20747
map_fs1 = folium.Map(location=[lat, lon], zoom_start=11.2)
df.apply(lambda row:folium.Circle(location=[row["longitude"], row["latitude"]],
radius = dicts[add_select],color = 'darkgreen', fill = True,
fill_opacity = 0.2,Popup=row['cook'])
.add_to(map_fs1), axis=1)
df.apply(lambda row: folium.Marker(location=[row["longitude"], row["latitude"]],popup=row['cook'],
icon=folium.Icon(color='red', icon='cutlery', prefix = 'fa'),).add_to(map_fs1), axis = 1)
show_maps(add_select, chefs)
I would like my multiselect to reference the column in my dataframe, ‘cooks’. Can someone kindly point me in the direction to a guide perhaps?
Thanks a lot.