How to clear session state when click the 'x' in file_uploader

Hey - I am having trouble accessing the setting behind the close button (‘x’) in the file uploader.

I need the session state to be clear if user closes the current file. Currently, when i click ‘x’ and upload a new one, the file wont be rewritten.




Also would like to know how to do this

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I’m running into the same problem. Is there any solution to it?

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Having the same issue!!

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Also have the same question here

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I want to learn this as well…

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Hi @Zoe2, welcome to the forum!

You can make sure the session state gets updated by adding a key to the file uploader, like this:

st.file_uploader("Upload a file", key="file_uploader")
# See the current value like this:

Thanks, what if the widget is defined as a variable to be used further like

variable_df = st.file_uploader()

The same solution works just fine

You can also access the currently-uploaded file via st.session_state.file_uploader if you set file_uploader as the key, even if you don’t assign the output to a variable directly.

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