How to create a delete button for removing an element from the page?

I want to create an “Add Row” button that, when clicked, will display a text input field and a “Remove Row” button. When the “Remove Row” button is clicked, the input field and the button itself will be removed from the page.

counter = st.session_state.get(‘counter’, 0)
but = st.button(“Добавить строку”)
if but:
counter += 1
st.session_state[‘counter’] = counter

text_entries = []

for i in range(counter):
    text_entries.append(st.text_input(f"string{i + 1}"))
    delete = st.button(f"delete string{i + 1}")

Hi there!
I believe you are looking for something like this:

import streamlit as st

if 'counter' not in st.session_state:

button_grid = st.columns(2)
with button_grid[0]:
    if st.button('Add row'):
with button_grid[1]:
    if st.button('Remove row'):

number_inputs = st.session_state['counter']

with grid[0]:
    input_values = [st.text_input(f'Input field '+str(i),  key=f"text_input_{i}")
            for i in range(number_inputs)]
with grid[1]:
    input_values1 = [st.text_input(f'Input field 2',  key=f"amt1{i}")
            for i in range(number_inputs)]

This will create an add row and a remove row button.

When I had this problem, I used a number input to decide the number of rows:

import streamlit as st

number_inputs = st.number_input('number of input fields',min_value=1, max_value=10)
with grid[0]:
    input_values = [st.text_input(f'Input field '+str(i),  key=f"text_input_{i}")
            for i in range(number_inputs)]
with grid[1]:
    input_values1 = [st.text_input(f'Input field 2',  key=f"amt1{i}")
            for i in range(number_inputs)]

This allows the user to directly specify the number of input fields.


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