How to Create Wizard Style App (Step 1, Step 2, Etc)

Iโ€™m struggling with way to create a fixed number of steps a user can take to use the App. Iโ€™ve landed on using st.empty() and works up to first two steps, then resets back to beginning after trying to move to first step. Looking for suggestions! Thank you

def write():
    shown_page = 'intro'
    if shown_page == "intro":
        contIntro = st.empty()
        expIntro = contIntro.expander('What App Wizard Can Do', True)
        job_name = expIntro.text("Give this Job a Name")
        col1, col2 = expIntro.columns([9,1])
        exp1_button = col2.button('To Step 1') 

        if exp1_button:
            shown_page = 'Step 1'

    if shown_page == 'Step 1':
        header_text = 'Step 1'
        cont1 = st.empty()
        exp1 = cont1.expander('Step 1 of 2', True)
        exp1.file_uploader('Upload Data', type=None, accept_multiple_files=False)
        col1, col2 = exp1.columns([9,1])
        exp1_back_button = col1.button('Back to Intro')
        exp1_next_button = col2.button('To Step 2') 

        if exp1_back_button:
            shown_page = 'Intro'

        if exp1_next_button:
            shown_page = 'Step 2'
    if shown_page == 'Step 2':
        header_text = 'Step 2'
        cont2 = st.empty()
        exp2 = cont2.expander("Step 2 of 2", True)
        job_name = exp2.text_input("Some more info")
        col1, col2 = exp2.columns([9,1])
        exp2_back_button = col1.button("Back to Step 1")
        exp2_forward_button = col2.button('To Another Setp in Future') 

        if exp2_back_button:

        if exp2_back_button:
            shown_page = 'Step 2'

        if exp2_forward_button:

Then moves to Step 1 when hit โ€˜To Step 1โ€™

Then I hit โ€˜To Step 2โ€™ and it brings me back to Intro, when Iโ€™d expect to move to Step 2

Hi @saxon11 , take a look at stepperbar at this link.


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