How to pull and deploy github LFS files?

I have uploaded my DL model files into GitHub LFS.

Will streamlit sharing will automatically take a model file from LFS and deploy or we need to configure it?

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Hello @Bala_Venkatesh ! Did you get an answer to this. I am having trouble uploading GitHub LFS files. They work well on the localhost but not on the web. Please advise. Thanks!

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I have a similar problem too!
did anybody get an answer for this?

Hi @Aml @Oznerm @Bala_Venkatesh I’ll will help you guys. First of all set up your GitHub hub account and clone that in your localhost. For example if you have file which has has a size large than 20MB named “best pt”. For moving this file from local to GitHub cloud type the following commands:-

git install lfs #installing lfs

git lfs track "*.pt" (# you can use any file type 
                               # extensions like .h5 like that)

git lfs push --all origin main

git add.

git commit -m "large files pushing"

git push

Feel free to ask anyone doubts if the above mentioned structure doesn't works. 

Happy Streamlit-ing 🎈

Thank you very much for taking the time to help out.
I already pushed my files using lfs to my GitHub repo. But I still get the same error, O think the problem is Streamlit isn’t using lfs so it’s not able to pull the repo.

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That’s a link to my issue for a reference:

No @Aml . Streamlit cloud any able to pull the github lfs files. So many of my deep learning applications are running in the streamlit cloud…