I am running an app with Streamlit and it is relatively slow.
My code is generally as follows. I use a selectbox (or more) then i query my database based on the selectbox input (by users).
I repeat this schema many times in program…
My database is large, and my program is very slow when i change the input of one of my (many) selectbox options. I suppose that is because Streamlit run my entire program each time i change an option.
How can I get something that is faster?
Should I use all the query in a function with @st.cache_data ? (so i need to change a little bit my approach)
Or are there other ways to proceed with Streamlit ?
I hope my question was clear enough to get replies
This is a snapchat of my program:
cols = st.columns(2)
# Choix du fonds
fonds = cols[0].selectbox(
"Choix du fonds",
.query("classif_amf_fonds=='Fonds de fonds' or classif_amf_fonds=='Fonds diversifié'")
# Date du fonds à analyser
date = cols[1].date_input(
"Date du fonds",
df = df.query("date==@date and fonds==@fonds")