How to understand why my web fail after successfully deployment?(the log don't tell nothing)

  1. link to the public app -(
  2. link to my app’s public GitHub repository
    GitHub - avichayk1/Barshai-Projects
  3. The full text of the error message (not a screenshot).
    cat: /mount/admin/install_path: No such file or directory
  4. Streamlit and Python versions.
    Streamlit version: 1.42.0
    Python versions: 3.10.10

Could you please provide more context for the error, including the specific line or section of the code where it occurs?

thanks for helping me.
yes, I built an web that enable people do multipole marge/join between files,
My scenario is doing join between GTFS files, it static data on public transportation,
The problem occurs after i upload all the files, while i try to read the contents of large file the website is crash,
All my files wight is 700 MB.

I mean could you please provide the full error message along with the relevant code snippet that led to the error? The message cat: /mount/admin/install_path: No such file or directory suggests that the specified file or directory (/mount/admin/install_path) does not exist. This could happen if the path is incorrect, the file hasn’t been created yet, or there may be permission issues.

Including the context of your code would help in diagnosing the issue more effectively.

hey my mistake the error i mentioned before is showed when i run it but it not the problem
here is the error -
[18:43:50] :package: Processed dependencies!
cat: /mount/admin/install_path: No such file or directory
[07:17:34] :exclamation: The service has encountered an error while checking the health of the Streamlit app: Get “http://localhost:8501/healthz”: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

The crash may be occurring due to limited cloud resources, as your file size is 700 MB. To rule out any other potential cause, you should try uploading the same file in your dev environment. If limited cloud resources are indeed the issue, you might consider self-hosting on an alternative cloud platform.

it run well on my local environment.
There another whey from the cloud to check it?

Streamlit’s community cloud is likely to be the bottleneck for your project. I strongly recommend either optimizing your code or exploring an alternative cloud platform with more scalable resources.