I can't deploy the app.py

  1. Share the link to the public deployed app.
    Streamlit (dadosfinanceirosb3.streamlit.app)

  2. Share the link to your app’s public GitHub repository (including a requirements file).
    Prog-LucasAlves/PUB_Dados_Financeiros_B3: Coleta de dados financeiros das empresa listadas na Bovespa. (github.com)

  3. Share the full text of the error message (not a screenshot).
    Please fix the errors, push an update to the git repo, or reboot the app.
    Updating the app files has failed: failed to update the application source because the directory ‘/mount/src/pub_dados_financeiros_b3’ does not exist

  4. Share the Streamlit and Python versions.
    python = “>=3.11,<3.13” | streamlit = “^1.27.2”

Hi @lucastaz,

It looks like your repo doesn’t include a requirements.txt file (I see a requirements_dev.txt file but you’ll need to rename it requirements.txt to ensure that Community Cloud installs the packages needed for your app).

Other Python package managers

There are other Python package managers besides pip. If you want to consider alternatives to using a requirements.txt file, Streamlit Community Cloud will look for other Python dependency managers to use in the order below. Streamlit will stop and install the first dependency file found.

pyproject.toml poetry

Ref: App dependencies - Streamlit Docs

Thanks, I missed that file. Not exactly sure what’s happening with this app – I’ll ping our engineering team.

glad its resolved, kindly close

Still no solution


  1. reboot the app
  2. delete the whole app and re-deploy

All good?

I’ve done this several times and nothing.

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