I can't run my app today

Hello, app which worked super Friday, doesn’t work today at all.

I have following error

FileNotFoundError: This app has encountered an error. The original error message is redacted to prevent data leaks. Full error details have been recorded in the logs (if you’re on Streamlit Cloud, click on ‘Manage app’ in the lower right of your app).

Requirements file

Using Conda? PipEnv? PyEnv? Pex? Share the contents of your requirements file here.
Not sure what a requirements file is? Check out this doc and add a requirements file to your app.


  • Link to your GitHub repo:
  • Link to your deployed app:

Additional information

If needed, add any other context about the problem here.

Hi @Mike7205, thanks for your question!

The error message you’ve provided indicates that there’s a FileNotFoundError. This suggests that your Streamlit app is trying to access a file that either doesn’t exist or isn’t in the expected location.

Have you ensured that the file your app is trying to access exists and is in the correct location?


Hello Charly,

Yes I have. On Firday this app worked super. I have’t change anything and have this problem: ```
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/appuser/.cache/py-yfinance’

I have no idea what to do now, because this is problem with communication between Github and Streamlit.

What should I do know ?

Kind regards


Here is something that have worked for other people, including me, in similar circumstances: get somebody else that can look at your code and try to reproduce the problem. Sometimes a fresh pair of eyeballs is all you need.

You should know better than me since you have the code and the complete traceback and log messages and I don’t, but it doesn’t look like that to me.

Hey @Mike7205,

I concur with @Goyo. Please send us the code, and we’ll do our best to fix it for you! :blush:


To jest wersja 4.5 z Linear Regression i Holt_Winter methode

import streamlit as st
from streamlit.errors import StreamlitAPIException
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import yfinance as yf
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters import ExponentialSmoothing
from streamlit import set_page_config

Set page configuration for full width


start definicji strony

st.title(‘The main indicators of the global economy based on data from NYSE’)
#st.subheader(‘We can compare different trend estimation’)


today = date.today()
comm_dict = {‘EURUSD=X’:‘USD_EUR’,‘CNY=X’:‘USD/CNY’,‘CL=F’:‘Crude_Oil’,
‘SI=F’:‘Silver’,‘NG=F’:‘Natural Gas’,‘ZR=F’:‘Rice Futures’,
‘ZS=F’:‘Soy Futures’,‘KE=F’:‘KC HRW Wheat Futures’}

Pobieranie danych

def comm_f(comm):
global df_c, df_c1
for label, name in comm_dict.items():
if name == comm:
df_c = pd.DataFrame(yf.download(f’{label}', start=‘2000-09-01’, end = today,interval=‘1d’))
df_c1 = df_c.reset_index()

return df_c, df_c1   

Dane historyczne

def comm_data(comm):
global Tab_his2
sh = df_c1.shape[0]
start_date = df_c1.Date.min()
end_date = df_c1.Date.max()
close_max = “{:.2f}”.format(df_c1[‘Close’].max())
close_min = “{:.2f}”.format(df_c1[‘Close’].min())
last_close = “{:.2f}”.format(df_c1[‘Close’].iloc[-1])
v = (comm, sh, start_date,end_date,close_max,close_min,last_close)
Tab_length = pd.DataFrame(shape_test, columns= [‘Name’,‘Rows’, ‘Start_Date’, ‘End_Date’,‘Close_max’,‘Close_min’,‘Last_close’])
Tab_his = Tab_length[[‘Start_Date’,‘End_Date’,‘Close_max’,‘Close_min’,‘Last_close’]]
Tab_his[‘Start_Date’] = Tab_his[‘Start_Date’].dt.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d’)
Tab_his[‘End_Date’] = Tab_his[‘End_Date’].dt.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d’)
Tab_his1 = Tab_his.T
Tab_his2 = Tab_his1.style.hide(axis=‘columns’)

return Tab_his2

st.sidebar.title(‘Commodities, Indexies, Currencies & Bonds’)
comm = st.sidebar.selectbox(‘What do you want to analyse today ?’, list(comm_dict.values()))
st.sidebar.write(‘You selected:’, comm)

tu wstawimy wykresy 15 minutowe

def t1_f(char1):
global tf_c1
for label, name in comm_dict.items():
if name == char1:
box = yf.Ticker(label)
tf_c = pd.DataFrame(box.history(period=‘1d’, interval=“1m”))
tf_c1 = tf_c[-100:]
return tf_c1

def t2_f(char2):
global tf_c2
for label, name in comm_dict.items():
if name == char2:
box = yf.Ticker(label)
tf_c = pd.DataFrame(box.history(period=‘1d’, interval=“1m”))
tf_c2 = tf_c[-100:]
return tf_c2

def t3_f(char3):
global tf_c3
for label, name in comm_dict.items():
if name == char3:
box = yf.Ticker(label)
tf_c = pd.DataFrame(box.history(period=‘1d’, interval=“1m”))
tf_c3 = tf_c[-100:]
return tf_c3

M15_charts = st.multiselect(‘Daily trading dynamics’, list(comm_dict.values()),[‘Crude_Oil’,‘USD/CNY’,‘DJI30’],key = “”)
char1 = M15_charts[0]
char2 = M15_charts[1]
char3 = M15_charts[2]
except (NameError, IndexError, KeyError):


colors = [‘yellow’,‘red’,‘blue’, ‘green’]
fig_two = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=3, subplot_titles=(char1, char2, char3))

for i, col in enumerate(tf_c1.columns[0:4]):
fig_two.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=tf_c1.index, y=tf_c1[col], mode=‘lines’, name=col, line=dict(color=colors[i])), row=1, col=1)
for i, col in enumerate(tf_c2.columns[0:4]):
fig_two.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=tf_c2.index, y=tf_c2[col], mode=‘lines’, name=col, line=dict(color=colors[i])), row=1, col=2)
for i, col in enumerate(tf_c3.columns[0:4]):
fig_two.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=tf_c3.index, y=tf_c3[col], mode=‘lines’, name=col, line=dict(color=colors[i])), row=1, col=3)

for i in range(2):
fig_two.update_traces(showlegend=False, row=1, col=i+1)

fig_two.update_traces(showlegend=True, row=1, col=3)
fig_two.update_layout(width=1000, height=500)
st.write(‘First add new financial instrument than remove first one on the left’)

tutaj wprowadzamy kod do wykresĂłw

st.subheader(comm+’ Prices in NYSE’)
xy = (list(df_c1.index)[-1] + 1)
oil_p = st.slider(‘How long prices history you need?’, 0, xy, 100, key = “”)
numm = st.number_input(‘Enter the number of days for moving average’,value=30, key = “”)
st.write(f’Custom mean of {numm} days ')

df_c1[(f’M{numm}')]= df_c1[‘Close’].rolling(window=numm).mean()
df_c1[‘M90’]= df_c1[‘Close’].rolling(window=90).mean()

df_c_XDays = df_c1.iloc[xy - oil_p:xy]
fig1 = px.line(df_c_XDays,x=‘Date’, y=[‘High’,(f’M{numm}‘),‘M90’],color_discrete_map={
‘High’:’#d62728’,(f’M{numm}‘): ‘#f0f921’,‘M90’:’#0d0887’}, width=1200, height=400)

st.plotly_chart(fig1, use_container_width=True)

def yf_chart(comm):
fig_yf = go.Figure(data=[go.Candlestick(x=df_c_XDays[‘Date’], open=df_c_XDays[‘Open’], high=df_c_XDays[‘High’],
low=df_c_XDays[‘Low’], close=df_c_XDays[‘Close’])])

fig_yf.update_layout(title=f"{comm} Candlestick Chart for last {oil_p} days", xaxis_title='Date', yaxis_title='Price')
fig_yf.update_layout(width=1000, height=600)
fig_yf.update_traces(increasing_line_color='green', decreasing_line_color='red')


Wykres rr - zmienność dzienna

def volat(comm):
box1 =
for xa in df_c1[-500:].index:
n0 = df_c1.Close[xa]
n1 = df_c1.Close[xa]+1
rr = f’{((n1 - n0)/n0):.4f}%’

    v = (rr)
    box1_tab = pd.DataFrame(box1, columns= ['Rate_of_Return'])   

tl = pd.DataFrame(df_c1['Date'][-500:]).reset_index()
rr_t = pd.concat([tl, box1_tab], axis = 1, ignore_index=True)
rr_t.rename(columns= {0:'Index1',1:'Date', 2:'Rate_of_Return'},inplace=True)
rr_tab = rr_t[['Date', 'Rate_of_Return']]
fig_rr = px.line(rr_tab,x='Date', y=['Rate_of_Return'],color_discrete_map={'Rate_of_return':'green'}, 
                     width=1000, height=500)             
st.plotly_chart(fig_rr, use_container_width=True)    

if st.checkbox(f’Volatility of {comm} for lat 500 days’,key = “”):
st.subheader(f’Daily price volatility of {comm}')

Estymacja przy pomocy Linear Regression

def LR_f(comm):
size = num1

X = df_c1['Open'].values.reshape(-1, 1)
y = df_c1['Close'].values

model = LinearRegression()
model.fit(X, y)

future_dates = [datetime.today() + timedelta(days=i) for i in range(0, size)]
future_open = [[open_val] for open_val in df_c1['Open'].tail(size)]
predicted_close = model.predict(future_open)
predicted_df = pd.DataFrame({'Date': future_dates, 'Predicted Close': predicted_close})

predicted_df['Date'] = predicted_df['Date'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
LR_tab = pd.DataFrame(predicted_df)
df_c12 = pd.concat([df_c1, LR_tab], ignore_index=True)

xbb = (list(df_c12.index)[-1] + 1)
df_c13 = df_c12.iloc[xbb - 90:xbb]

fig_lr = px.line(df_c13,x='Date', y=['High','Close','Predicted Close'],color_discrete_map={
             'High':'#0d0887','Close':'#f0f921','Predicted Close':'#d62728'}, 
          width=1000, height=500) 
fig_lr.add_vline(x = today,line_width=3, line_dash="dash", line_color="lightgreen")
st.plotly_chart(fig_lr, use_container_width=True)

if st.checkbox(‘Trend estimation with linear regression model’,key = “<L_reg>”):
st.subheader(comm+’ Linear regression trend estimation’)
num1 = st.number_input(‘Enter the number of days for trend estimation’, value=10, key = “”)
st.write(f’The estimation for {num1} days ')

Estymacja Holt_Winters

def HW_f(comm):
size = num2

closing_price = df_c1['Close']
model = ExponentialSmoothing(closing_price, trend='add')
fitted_model = model.fit()
forecast = fitted_model.forecast(steps=size)
a1 = df_c1.index[-1]
fo_dates = pd.date_range(start=df_c1.Date[a1] + pd.Timedelta(days=1), periods=size, freq='D')
fo_table = pd.DataFrame({'Date': fo_dates, 'Prediction Close': forecast})   
df_c13 = pd.concat([df_c1, fo_table], ignore_index=True)

xbc = (list(df_c13.index)[-1] + 1)
df_c14 = df_c13.iloc[xbc - 90:xbc]
df_c14['Date'] = df_c14['Date'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') 

fig_hw = px.line(df_c14, x='Date', y=['High', 'Close', 'Prediction Close'], color_discrete_map={
              'High': '#bcbd22', 'Close': '#17becf', 'Prediction Close': '#d62728'}, width=1000, height=500)
fig_hw.add_vline(x = today,line_width=3, line_dash="dash", line_color="black")
st.plotly_chart(fig_hw, use_container_width=True)  

if st.checkbox(‘Trend estimation with Holt-Winters method’,key = “<HW_est>”):
st.subheader(comm+’ Holt-Winters trend estimation’)
num2 = st.number_input(‘Enter the number of days for trend estimation’, value=10, key = “”)
st.write(f’The estimation for {num2} days ')

definicja wykresu obortĂłw

def vol_chart(comm):
volc = [‘Crude_Oil’,‘Gold’,‘Copper’,‘Platinum’,‘Silver’,‘Natural Gas’,‘Rice Futures’,‘Soy Futures’,‘KC HRW Wheat Futures’]
if comm in volc:

    Co_V = df_c1[['Date', 'Volume']]
    Co_V['Co_V_M']= Co_V['Volume'].rolling(window=90).mean().fillna(0)
    V_end = (list(Co_V.index)[-1] + 1)

    st.subheader(comm+' Volume in NYSE')
    Vol = st.slider('How long prices history you need?', 0, V_end, 100, key = "<volume>") 
    Co_V_XD = Co_V.iloc[V_end - Vol:V_end]

    fig3 = px.area(Co_V_XD, x='Date', y='Volume',color_discrete_map={'Volume':'#1f77b4'})
    fig3.add_traces(go.Scatter(x= Co_V_XD.Date, y= Co_V_XD.Co_V_M, mode = 'lines', line_color='red'))
    fig3.update_traces(name='90 Days Mean', showlegend = False)

    st.plotly_chart(fig3, use_container_width=True)


tu poblikujemy komentarz z yf

def news_stream():
comm_dict1 = {‘EURUSD=X’:‘USD_EUR’,‘CNY=X’:‘USD/CNY’,‘CL=F’:‘Crude_Oil’,‘^DJI’:‘DJI30’}
subs = ‘finance.yahoo.com’
news =
today = date.today()
for label, name in comm_dict1.items():
Comm_news = yf.Ticker(name)
info = Comm_news.get_news()
info_link = list(info[0].values())

    for i in info_link: 
            if subs in i:
                v = (today,name,i)
                news_tab = pd.DataFrame(news, columns= ['Date','Topic','Link'])
        except TypeError:
st.sidebar.subheader(f'News from Yahoo Finance from {today}')
st.sidebar.write('News about '+news_tab.Topic[0])
st.sidebar.write('News about '+news_tab.Topic[1])
st.sidebar.write('News about '+news_tab.Topic[2])
st.sidebar.write('News about '+news_tab.Topic[3])


Thank you in advance


Here is a solution Fix for yfinance > 0.2.28 on Community Cloud

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