I keep getting an error when deploying the app, works locally

Link: wvaxrqpydydauh65takmsq.streamlit.app

Repo: GitHub - rashedulkabir730/NYCPayrollStreamlitApp

Error: ```
[18:18:25] :package: Processed dependencies!

[18:20:42] :exclamation: Streamlit server consistently failed status checks

[18:20:42] :exclamation: Please fix the errors, push an update to the git repo, or reboot the app.

i am thinking it maybe due to the size of the data set, but idk.
![Screenshot 2025-01-11 at 1.41.08 PM|690x349](upload://fD6pkrli3tKDO05HAPN46lGtrLL.png)

It should be plotly-express and not plotly.express in your requirements.txt

still getting the same error :frowning:

Please share the full traceback from the cloud console (bottom right) in a proper format

is this is it ?

[16:59:00] 🐍 Python dependencies were installed from /mount/src/nycpayrollstreamlitapp/requirements.txt using uv.
Check if streamlit is installed
Streamlit is already installed
[16:59:02] πŸ“¦ Processed dependencies!

[17:01:45] ❗️ Streamlit server consistently failed status checks
[17:01:45] ❗️ Please fix the errors, push an update to the git repo, or reboot the app.
[16:58:45] πŸš€ Starting up repository: 'nycpayrollstreamlitapp', branch: 'main', main module: 'streamlit_payroll.py'
[16:58:45] πŸ™ Cloning repository...
[16:58:46] πŸ™ Cloning into '/mount/src/nycpayrollstreamlitapp'...
Warning: Permanently added the ED25519 host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
[16:58:46] πŸ™ Cloned repository!
[16:58:46] πŸ™ Pulling code changes from Github...
[16:58:47] πŸ“¦ Processing dependencies...

──────────────────────────────────────── uv ───────────────────────────────────────────

Using uv pip install.
Using Python 3.12.8 environment at /home/adminuser/venv[2025-01-12 16:58:47.998236] 
Resolved 51 packages in 603ms
Prepared 51 packages in 8.29s
Installed 51 packages in 906ms
 + altair==5.5.0
 + attrs==24.3.0
 + blinker==1.9.0
 + boto3==1.35.97
 + botocore==1.35.97
 + cachetools==5.5.0
 + certifi==2024.12.14
 + charset-normalizer==3.4.1
 + click==8.1.8
 + gitdb==4.0.12
 + gitpython==3.1.44
 + idna==3.10
 + jinja2==3.1.5
 + jmespath==1.0.1
 + jsonschema==4.23.0
 + jsonschema-specifications==2024.10.1
 + markdown-it-py==3.0.0
 + markupsafe==3.0.2
 + mdurl==0.1.2
 + narwhals==1.21.1
 + numpy==2.2.1
 + packaging==24.2
 + pandas==2.2.3
 + patsy==1.0.1
 + pillow==11.1.0
 + plotly==5.24.1
 + plotly-express==0.4.1
 + protobuf==5.29.3
 + pyarrow==18.1.0
 + pydeck==0.9.1
 + pygments==2.19.1
 + python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0
 + python-dotenv==1.0.1
 + pytz==2024.2
 + referencing==0.35.1
 + requests==2.32.3
 + rich==13.9.4
 + rpds-py==0.22.3
 + s3transfer==0.10.4
 + scipy==1.15.1
 + six==1.17.0
 + smmap==5.0.2
 + statsmodels==0.14.4
 + streamlit==1.41.1
 + tenacity==9.0.0
 + toml==0.10.2
 + tornado==6.4.2
 + typing-extensions==4.12.2
 + tzdata==2024.2
 + urllib3==2.3.0
 + watchdog==6.0.0
Checking if Streamlit is installed
Found Streamlit version 1.41.1 in the environment


[16:59:00] 🐍 Python dependencies were installed from /mount/src/nycpayrollstreamlitapp/requirements.txt using uv.
Check if streamlit is installed
Streamlit is already installed
[16:59:02] πŸ“¦ Processed dependencies!

[17:01:45] ❗️ Streamlit server consistently failed status checks
[17:01:45] ❗️ Please fix the errors, push an update to the git repo, or reboot the app.