I have an image loading issue on my Streamlit app.
The app is designed to take some user inputs and output an image via an image generator.
The weird thing is, when run locally, the generator spits out a legitimate url that shows an image. When run on Streamlit, the generator spits out a url as well, but it doesn’t contain an image and only shows this error:
- detail: “File not found: /tmp/gradio/55f35a9c592632688ff60e6565b8fb76a7ece988535097d65233ac71719075b9/image.webp.” *
Another weird thing is that both the streamlit and local versions were working fine until yesterday.
example of url from local version (not sure if image expires, but as of this posting it shows an image): https://bytedance-sdxl-lightning.hf.space/file=/tmp/gradio/1c9a84b8212c74f3151a025b8d039855b324136f/image.webp
example from streamlit version: https://bytedance-sdxl-lightning.hf.space/file=/tmp/gradio/55f35a9c592632688ff60e6565b8fb76a7ece988535097d65233ac71719075b9/image.webp
The URL also seems to be returning a 404 code.
heres the code to generate the image url (i’ve left all the debugging code in. sleep is also in there to test something out):
def image_generator(answer):
Generate images for recipe.
with st.spinner('Initializing model...'):
client = Client("ByteDance/SDXL-Lightning")
with st.spinner('Generating image...'):
result = client.predict(
answer, # str in 'Enter your prompt (English)' Textbox component
"1-Step", # Literal['1-Step', '2-Step', '4-Step', '8-Step'] in 'Select inference steps' Dropdown component
url = 'https://bytedance-sdxl-lightning.hf.space/file=' + result
st.write('full output from client: ', result)
st.write('output appended to create url: ', url)
return url
here is the function that displays the image (towards bottom in try/except block)
def main():
# Title
st.sidebar.title("What do you wanna eat?")
st.sidebar.write("Please tell me your preferences:")
# Input fields
favorite_foods = st.sidebar.text_input("Favorite foods")
favorite_flavors = st.sidebar.text_input("Favorite flavors or cuisines")
dislikes = st.sidebar.text_input("Want to avoid (dislikes, allergies, recent meals)")
others = st.sidebar.text_input("Other considerations (optional)")
# Submit button
if st.sidebar.button("Submit"):
# Process the inputs
st.session_state.favorite_foods = favorite_foods
st.session_state.favorite_flavors = favorite_flavors
st.session_state.dislikes = dislikes
st.session_state.others = others
print('generating food...')
output = suggest_food(favorite_foods, favorite_flavors, dislikes, others)
food = output.split("$PL!T")[0]
analysis = output.split("$PL!T")[-1]
url = image_generator(food)
st.image(url, use_column_width=True)
except Exception as e:
st.warning("[Could not generate image. Please imagine something really really good!]")
print(f"Error generating image: {e}")
full repo here: GitHub - tjyana/what-do-you-wanna-eat: No fighting!
any help would be appreciated!! been working on this for a day and a half and i have no idea