Hello out there, I am creating a login page for my streamlit app. I am getting path not found error after importing all the libraries. Below is the code for the login page.
Steps to reproduce
Code snippet:
import pickle
from pathlib import path
import streamlit_authenticator as stauth
names = ["James Dee", "Patrick Kerzuah", "Martina Harris"]
usernames = ["jdee", "pkerzuah", "mharris"]
#load hashed password
file_path = path(data_path).parent / "hashed_pw.pk1"
with"rb") as file:
hashed_password = pickle.load(file)
authenticator = stauth.Authenticate(names, usernames, hashed_passwords, "Deja Vu Stores Dashboard",
"abcdef", cookie_expiry_days=30)
name, authentication_status, username = authenticator.login("Login", "main")
if authentication_status == False:
st.error("Username/password is incorrect")
if authentication_status == None:
st.warning("Please enter your username and password")
if authentication_status: