Hello all,
I have created a language translator app(Simply! Translate) using Streamlit, which allows user to enter a text and
- Translate from one language to another
- Create an audio file of the translation
- Let the user download the audio file.
Special Thanks to Streamlit for making it simple and easy to use and presenting my app to the world. I have deployed the app using Streamlit sharing.
Have fun with my app here: https://share.streamlit.io/harisankarsnair/languagetranslator/main/main.py
Please take a look at my Github repo here: GitHub - HarisankarSNair/LanguageTranslator: A free and unlimited python tool for language translation.Made with Streamlit and google-trans-new api. 100 % pure python.
Don’t forget to drop your suggestions as it makes the app live and user-friendly.
Any improvisation needed! Let me know here.