Loading and displaying polygons

I am trying to layer some polygons on a Folium map, however it is taking forever.
What I am doing with my code is creating dataframes while loading parquet files via st.cache
I then iterate through the dataframes and create geojson layers to display.
Here is the code:

def get_data_noah(folder):
    Load the data in a function so we can cache the files.

        pd.Dataframe: Returns a data frame.
    data_folder = folder
    files = [f for f in os.listdir(data_folder) if f.endswith('.parquet')]
    gdfs = {}
    for file in files:
        gdf_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
        gdf = gpd.read_parquet(os.path.join(data_folder, file))
        gdfs[gdf_name] = gdf.set_index(gdf.columns[0])
    return gdfs

Create layers and display map:

# Map Data
    map_url = 'src/tasks/task-5-web-app-deployment/data/mapping_data.parquet'
    df1 = get_map_data(map_url)

    noah_folder = 'src/tasks/task-5-web-app-deployment/data/noah'
    geodata = get_data_noah(noah_folder)
    gdf_StormSurgeAdvisory1_1 = geodata['ss1']
    gdf_StormSurgeAdvisory1_2 = geodata['ss2']
    gdf_StormSurgeAdvisory1_3 = geodata['ss3']

    # Add map.
    def map_ph(data, name):
        cond = data['Province'] == name

        lat = data[cond]['Latitude'].tolist()
        lon = data[cond]['Longitude'].tolist()
        nam = data[cond]['City'].tolist()
        vul = data[cond]['Vulnerability'].tolist()
        pop = data[cond]['Population'].tolist()
        pov = data[cond]['Poverty_Incidents'].tolist()
        hop = data[cond]['Hospital'].tolist()

        html = f''' <div style="font-family: monospace;font-size: 1rem;">
        <h4 style="font-size:1.05rem;">Vulnerability Info</h4>
        <ul style="list-style-type: none;margin: 0;padding: 0;">
        <li>City/Town: </li>
        <li> <b> %s</b></li>
        <li>Vulnerability: <b> %s</b></li>
        <li>Population: <b> %s</b></li>
        <li>Poverty: <b> %s</b></li>
        <li>Hospitals: <b> %s</b></li>

        if lat and lon:
            map = flm.Map(location=[lat[0], lon[0]], zoom_start=8, scrollWheelZoom=False)
            return None

        fg = flm.FeatureGroup(name='Philippines Cities')
        fg1 = flm.FeatureGroup(name='Storm Surge 4 metres')
        fg2 = flm.FeatureGroup(name='Storm Surge 3 metres')
        fg3 = flm.FeatureGroup(name='Storm Surge 2 metres')

        marker_props = {'low': {'color': 'green', 'size': 10},
                    'medium': {'color': 'blue', 'size': 10},
                    'high': {'color': 'red', 'size': 15}}

        for lt, ln, nm, vu, po, pv, ho in zip((lat), (lon), (nam), (vul), (pop), (pov), (hop)):
            iframe = flm.IFrame(html = html % ((nm), (vu), (po), (pv), int((ho))), height = 210)
            popup = flm.Popup(iframe, min_width=200, max_width=650)
            props = marker_props[vu]
            marker = flm.CircleMarker(location = [lt, ln], popup = popup, fill_color=props['color'], color='None', radius=props['size'], fill_opacity = 0.5)

        # loop through the dataframes and create a GeoJSON layer for each row
        for df, fg, clr in [(gdf_StormSurgeAdvisory1_1, fg1, 'blue'), (gdf_StormSurgeAdvisory1_2, fg2, 'orange'), (gdf_StormSurgeAdvisory1_3, fg3, 'red')]:
            for _, r in df.iterrows():
                simple_geo = gpd.GeoSeries(r['geometry']).simplify(tolerance=0.001)
                geo_j = simple_geo.to_json()
                geo_j = flm.GeoJson(data=geo_j, style_function=lambda x: {'fillColor': clr})


        # map.save('map.html')
        st_map = st_folium(map, width=1600)
        return st_map