Looking for help to add flexible operator choices to this query builder

I am trying to build a streamlit app that is connected to SQL Server that allow user to filter dataframe based on SQL query, where the app allow the user to construct a dynamic query with different where conditions.

Based on @ asehmi suggestion i was able to create the app BUT

the query doesnโ€™t contain flexible operators(and/or)for each field

the app look like this :


import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd

#SQL pckgs
import pyodbc

Activities = ["EDA","Plot","About"]    

choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Activity",Activities)

radio = st.sidebar.radio(label="", options=["Connect To DB"])

st.header('Flexible Data Filtering UI')

df = pd.DataFrame()


if radio=="Connect To DB":


        con = pyodbc.connect(

            driver="ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server",

            Server = "***.***.****.****",





        cursor = con.cursor()

        df = pd.read_sql_query('''select m.ID,

                            n.NewColumn as first_nationality,

                            from [info].[dbo].[person] m

                            left join [person].[dbo].[nationality] n on n.ID = m.nationality_1



    if data is not None:

        #EDA Page

        if choice =="EDA":

            query_NA1 = df.first_nationality.unique()


with st.expander('Show UI Specification', expanded=False):

    with st.echo():



                'selector': {

                    'key': 'selector_name',

                    'type': st.checkbox,

                    'label': 'Name (required)',

                    # 'kwargs': {'value': True, 'disabled': True},

                    'kwargs': {'value': False},


                'input': {

                    'key': 'input_name',

                    'type': st.text_input,

                    'dtype': str,

                    'label': 'Name',

                    'db_col': 'name',

                    'kwargs': {},




                'selector': {

                    'key': 'selector_nickname',

                    'type': st.checkbox,

                    'label': 'Nickname',

                    'kwargs': {'value': False},


                'input': {

                    'key': 'input_nickname',

                    'type': st.text_input,

                    'dtype': str,

                    'label': 'Nickname',

                    'db_col': 'nickname',

                    'kwargs': {},




                'selector': {

                    'key': 'selector_mother_name',

                    'type': st.checkbox,

                    'label': 'mother name',

                    'kwargs': {'value': False},


                'input': {

                    'key': 'input_mother_name',

                    'type': st.text_input,

                    'dtype': str,

                    'label': 'mother name',

                    'db_col': 'mother_name',

                    'kwargs': {},




                'selector': {

                    'key': 'selector_nationality',

                    'type': st.checkbox,

                    'label': 'first_nationality',

                    'kwargs': {'value': False},


                'input': {

                    'key': 'input_nationality',

                    'type': st.multiselect,

                    'dtype': list,

                    'label': 'Select nationality',

                    'db_col': 'first_nationality',

                    'kwargs': {'options': df.first_nationality.unique()},




def render_selectors(ui_spec):

    field_cols = st.columns([1]*len(ui_spec))

    for i, spec in enumerate(ui_spec):

        selector = spec['selector']

        with field_cols[i]:

            selector['type'](selector['label'], key=selector['key'], **selector['kwargs'])

def get_selector_values(ui_spec):

    values = {}

    for spec in ui_spec:

        selector = spec['selector']

        values[selector['key']] = {

            'label': selector['label'],

            'value': st.session_state[selector['key']],



    return values

def render_inputs(ui_spec, selector_values):

    for spec in ui_spec:

        input = spec['input']

        selector_value = selector_values[spec['selector']['key']]['value']

        if selector_value == True:

            input['type'](input['label'], key=input['key'], **input['kwargs'])


def get_input_values(ui_spec, selector_values):

    values = {}

    for spec in ui_spec:

        input = spec['input']

        selector_value = selector_values[spec['selector']['key']]['value']

        if selector_value == True:

            values[input['key']] = {

                'label': input['label'],

                'db_col': input['db_col'],

                'value': st.session_state[input['key']],

                'dtype': input['dtype'],



    return values

st.subheader('Filter fields selection')


selector_values = get_selector_values(UI_SPECIFICATION)

st.subheader('Filter field inputs')

render_inputs(UI_SPECIFICATION, selector_values)

input_values = get_input_values(UI_SPECIFICATION, selector_values)

def build_query(input_values, logical_op, compare_op):

    query_frags = []

    for k, v in input_values.items():

        if v['dtype'] == list:

            query_frag_expanded = [f"{v['db_col']} {compare_op} '{val}'" for val in v['value']]

            query_frag = f' {logical_op} '.join(query_frag_expanded)

        elif v['dtype'] == int or v['dtype'] == float:

            query_frag = f"{v['db_col']} {compare_op} {v['dtype'](v['value'])}"

        elif v['dtype'] == str:

            query_frag = f"{v['db_col']}.str.contains('{v['dtype'](v['value'])}')"


            query_frag = f"{v['db_col']} {compare_op} '{v['dtype'](v['value'])}')"


    query = f' {logical_op} '.join(query_frags)

    return query

def display_results(df_results):


st.subheader('Query builder')

def configure_query():

    c1, c2, _ = st.columns([1,1,2])

    with c1:

        logical_op = st.selectbox('Logical operator', options=['and', 'or'], index=1)

    with c2:

        compare_op = st.selectbox('Comparator operator', options=['==', '>', '<', '<=', '>='], index=0)

    return logical_op, compare_op

logical_op, compare_op = configure_query()

query = build_query(input_values, logical_op, compare_op)

if st.checkbox('Show filter query', True):

    st.write(f'Query: `{query}`')


if st.button("๐Ÿ” Apply filter query"):

    df_results = df.query(query, engine='python')  

    st.subheader('Filtered data results')


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