Hello, community,
I built an open-source app, explainMyModel using streamlit (for building easy data apps) to explain predictions of machine learning models to stakeholders and a business analyst by merely dragging and dropping files without the need to write any code. This app helps to provide results even faster. The clear streamlit documentation and discuss page were very instrumental in building this app.
app link: https://share.streamlit.io/nelsonchris1/ml-explainability-app/main/app.py
Github link: GitHub - Nelsonchris1/ML-explainability-app: This is a web app built for easy explainability of machine learning models without writing any code in order to explain easily to non-technicals and stakeholders.
kindly drop a start if you find this app good.
To demo this app. here is a drive containing a txt, csv, and pkl file
Classification - Google Drive.
all you need to do is just upload the necessary files and click any explain you want. This app is open source and contributions will be greatly appreciated.