Module Not Found: Pendulum

Streamlit is having trouble recognizing the module “Pendulum”, which is very much installed, used, and recognized by my code and IDE!



Not sure what’s going on, but it’s a well-supported package that is critical for time series data, and I am pretty much blocked without it (and can’t really code around it).

Hi @Kladar,

I just tried it on my machine (using streamlit version 0.68) and everything is working correctly.
So it’s no problem with streamlit itself.

Maybe it’s a problem within the different python scripts you have?

When you are running the script in python only it is working?



Thank for the reply.

It’s very strange - the python works correctly when I run it locally, and actually when I deploy the app to heroku it builds and streamlit runs correctly with pendulum! It’s only when I run the app locally that it can’t find the pendulum module. Which is bizarre, but I tried again just now and it still can’t find the module when I do “streamlit run” and I get this where I should be getting my app in the browser that opens.

I still think it could be an issue with Streamlit, though likely in how it is interacting with my local machine, as the python and the app on a different (cloud) machine are both working.

Here it is building and running successfully on Heroku:

Hello @Kladar,

My guess would be that pendulum was not installed in the same python environment as streamlit.
Are you using a specific virtualenv for your project? According to your screenshots, streamlit was launched using python 3.8.5 directly from pyenv.


Yep, that’s a facepalm on my part. Didn’t have my venv started in the terminal where I was running “streamlit run”. Thanks for being a rubber duck! Working now.

