this is the error i am receiving while couple weeks ago it was running well and even on local host its running how can fix this issue i need help and guidance
Thanks for reporting the issue.
Have you checked if Vega-Altair was indeed installed (via the requirements.txt file)? Also, have you tried deleting and relaunching the app.
If so, please send the link to the code, and we will have a look into it
Best wishes,
Hello, Charly
thank you for the feedback however I tried to install Vega-Altair via requirement.txt file but i was confused how to install it because trying to use Vega-Altair documentation which is not working kindly this is my code link GitHub - turatsinzejunior83/Diseases-Prediction
Either use latest streamlit version:
or if you have to stick with the older streamlit version, add this:
to your requirements.txt
Thanks, Franky!
Glad you got it working!
It looks great!
Happy Streamlit’ing!
FYI: we’ve got an update coming to community cloud that will prevent this from happening in the future.
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