My app is stuck in the oven for 10+ hours

This is my app:

After restarting, it got stuck in the oven UI since 10 hours ago.

I can see some output in the console but the web page is not showing anything

I’m having the same issue today. It’s been an hour and still stuck…

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@Jialin It looks like your app is up now.

@hildatobing Is yours still down? If so, can you share a link?

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It’s up now, thank you. The app is private, but if still relevant:

It’s back. Thank you. Is there a plan to roll out maybe a charged subscription service for better support and stability?


There are currently no plans to offer a paid service for Community Cloud. It’s main focus is as a free learning and community tool. Instead, we’re looking to make Streamlit in Snowflake the best place for business and critical apps. Currently, there are limitations in Snowflake and larger overhead to getting set up, but the plan is to improve this.