My end button will not appear in order to stop data collection

I have a functioning code that records sensor data to a csv file, however, there is a problem with the session states in which, the end data collection button is not appearing, so the sensor data just continuously writes to the csv file. How do I include an end data collection button, in order to stop the recording of the sensor, and saves the csv file?

import USB_ExampleClassStreamlit
from ThreeSpaceAPIStreamlit import *
from time import time_ns, sleep
import sys
import csv
import os
import winsound
from colorama import init, Fore, Style
import streamlit as st
import re

init(autoreset=True)  # Initialize colorama to auto-reset colors after each print statement

# Streamlit app header and instructions
st.markdown("<h1 style = 'text-align: center; color: #001e69;'>Welcome to the LETREP25 Project!</h1>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.subheader("Please login with your username and password below")

# Simulate authentication
def authenticate(username, password):
    return username == "letrep" and password == "letrep123"

# Create input fields for username and password
username = st.text_input("Username")
password = st.text_input("Password", type="password")

# Initialize session state for logged_in
if 'logged_in' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.logged_in = False

# Initialize session state for data collection
if 'data_collection_active' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.data_collection_active = False

# Create a button to trigger the authentication process
if st.button("Login"):
    if authenticate(username, password):
        st.session_state.logged_in = True
        st.success("Logged in successfully!")
        st.session_state.logged_in = False
        st.error("Invalid username or password")

# Initialize constants and globals
PORT = None  # Autodetect the port, modify if necessary
LOGICAL_IDS = [0, 1]  # Assuming two sensors

# Initialize control variables
recording = False  # State variable to track recording status
csvfile_0 = None
csvfile_1 = None
writer_0 = None
writer_1 = None
iteration = 0

# Function to find the next iteration number
def find_next_iteration_number():
    pattern = re.compile(r'IMU\d{2}_Duration_Collection_(\d{2})\.csv')
    highest_iteration = 0

    for filename in os.listdir('.'):
        match = pattern.match(filename)
        if match:
            iteration_number = int(
            if iteration_number > highest_iteration:
                highest_iteration = iteration_number

    return highest_iteration + 1

# Function to start recording
def start_recording(patient_name, date):
    global recording, csvfile_0, csvfile_1, writer_0, writer_1, iteration
    if not recording:
        winsound.Beep(400, 50)  # Beep at 400 Hz for 50 milliseconds
        winsound.Beep(800, 70)  # Beep at 800 Hz for 70 milliseconds

        recording = True
        iteration = find_next_iteration_number()
        fileName = str(patient_name + date)

        # Open new CSV files for writing
        csvfile_0 = open(f'IMU00_{fileName}.csv', 'w', newline='')
        csvfile_1 = open(f'IMU01_{fileName}.csv', 'w', newline='')

        # Create new CSV writers
        writer_0 = csv.writer(csvfile_0)
        writer_1 = csv.writer(csvfile_1)
        print(Fore.CYAN + f"Recording started: Session {iteration}")

# Function to stop recording
def stop_recording():
    global recording, csvfile_0, csvfile_1, writer_0, writer_1
    if recording:
        winsound.Beep(700, 50)  # Beep at 700 Hz for 50 milliseconds
        winsound.Beep(300, 70)  # Beep at 300 Hz for 70 milliseconds
        recording = False
        if csvfile_0 is not None:
            csvfile_0 = None  # Reset file object to None
        if csvfile_1 is not None:
            csvfile_1 = None  # Reset file object to None
        writer_0 = None
        writer_1 = None
        print(Fore.RED + "Recording stopped")

# Function to record data
def record_data(senTSS):
    for id in LOGICAL_IDS:
        packet = senTSS.getOldestStreamingPacket(logicalID=id)
        if packet is not None and writer_0 is not None and writer_1 is not None:
            if id == 0:
            elif id == 1:

# Streamlit login logic
if st.session_state.logged_in:
    st.write("Welcome, you are logged in!")

    patient_name = st.text_input("Please enter your name:")
    date = st.text_input("Please enter the date (e.g., 11_7_24):")

    st.subheader("Please select start if you are ready to begin data collection")

    # Setup for the sensor
    if st.button("Start Data Collection") and patient_name and date:
        st.session_state.data_collection_active = True
        senCom = USB_ExampleClassStreamlit.UsbCom(PORT, timeout=TIMEOUT)
        senTSS = None
            st.write("Initializing sensor...")
            senTSS = ThreeSpaceSensor(senCom, streamingBufferLen=1000)
            st.write("Sensor initialized successfully")
        except Exception as e:
            st.error(f"Error initializing sensor: {str(e)}")
            st.error("Make sure the sensor is connected to the correct COM port.")
            st.error("If the sensor is powered off, turn it on and try again.")

        if senTSS:
            start_recording(patient_name, date)
            st.write("Starting data stream...")

            # Set up streaming and collection
            for id in LOGICAL_IDS:

            # Collect data in the background
            while st.session_state.data_collection_active:
                sleep(0.01)  # Adjust this based on your desired sample rate

    # Always show "End Data Collection" button when data collection is active
    if st.session_state.data_collection_active:
        if st.button("End Data Collection"):
            st.session_state.data_collection_active = False
            st.success("Data collection stopped. Files saved.")

In my case, the “End Data Collection” button appears and functions as intended. To prevent potential errors, I have removed the sensor collection logic from my code, as I lack access to those functions.