Need help with button

Working on a code, posted below, wondering how the start and end data collection button can toggle back and forth. Right now when the start data collection is clicked, the sensor starts recording data and writes it to the csv file. I want it to be able to stop data collection and save the csv file. Right now it takes clicking the button twice in order to end the data collection to do so, after the button is initially clicked to start the data. How can I make the button end data collection with only one click after it is initially clicked to start?

import USB_ExampleClassStreamlit
from ThreeSpaceAPIStreamlit import *
from time import sleep
import csv
import os
import winsound
from colorama import init, Fore, Style
import streamlit as st
import re
import time

init(autoreset=True)  # Initialize colorama to auto-reset colors after each print statement

# Streamlit app header and instructions
st.markdown("<h1 style = 'text-align: center; color: #001e69;'>Welcome to the LETREP25 Project!</h1>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.subheader("Please login with your username and password below")

# Simulate authentication
def authenticate(username, password):
    return username == "letrep" and password == "letrep123"

# Create input fields for username and password
username = st.text_input("Username")
password = st.text_input("Password", type="password")

# Initialize session state for logged_in
if 'logged_in' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.logged_in = False

# Initialize session state for data collection active state
if 'data_collection_active' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.data_collection_active = False

# Initialize session state for data recording variables
if 'recording' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.recording = False

# Initialize session state for CSV file writers
if 'csvfile_0' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.csvfile_0 = None
if 'csvfile_1' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.csvfile_1 = None
if 'writer_0' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.writer_0 = None
if 'writer_1' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.writer_1 = None

# Create a button to trigger the authentication process
if st.button("Login"):
    if authenticate(username, password):
        st.session_state.logged_in = True
        st.success("Logged in successfully!")
        st.session_state.logged_in = False
        st.error("Invalid username or password")

# Initialize constants and globals
PORT = None  # Autodetect the port, modify if necessary
LOGICAL_IDS = [0, 1]  # Assuming two sensors

# Function to find the next iteration number for saving CSV files
def find_next_iteration_number():
    pattern = re.compile(r'IMU\d{2}_Duration_Collection_(\d{2})\.csv')
    highest_iteration = 0

    for filename in os.listdir('.'):
        match = pattern.match(filename)
        if match:
            iteration_number = int(
            if iteration_number > highest_iteration:
                highest_iteration = iteration_number

    return highest_iteration + 1

# Function to start recording
def start_recording(patient_name, date):
    iteration = find_next_iteration_number()
    fileName = str(patient_name + date)

    # Open new CSV files for writing
    st.session_state.csvfile_0 = open(f'IMU00_{fileName}.csv', 'w', newline='')
    st.session_state.csvfile_1 = open(f'IMU01_{fileName}.csv', 'w', newline='')

    # Create new CSV writers
    st.session_state.writer_0 = csv.writer(st.session_state.csvfile_0)
    st.session_state.writer_1 = csv.writer(st.session_state.csvfile_1)
    st.session_state.recording = True

    winsound.Beep(400, 50)  # Beep at 400 Hz for 50 milliseconds
    winsound.Beep(800, 70)  # Beep at 800 Hz for 70 milliseconds

    #st.write(Fore.CYAN + f"Recording started: Session {iteration}")
    #st.write("Recording started")
    st.session_state.data_collection_active = True
    return iteration

# Function to stop recording
def stop_recording():
    winsound.Beep(700, 50)  # Beep at 700 Hz for 50 milliseconds
    winsound.Beep(300, 70)  # Beep at 300 Hz for 70 milliseconds

    if st.session_state.csvfile_0:
    if st.session_state.csvfile_1:

    st.session_state.recording = False
    st.session_state.writer_0 = None
    st.session_state.writer_1 = None
    st.session_state.csvfile_0 = None
    st.session_state.csvfile_1 = None
    st.session_state.data_collection_active = False

    #st.write(Fore.RED + "Recording stopped")
    #st.write("Recording stopped")

# Function to record data
def record_data(senTSS):
    for id in LOGICAL_IDS:
        packet = senTSS.getOldestStreamingPacket(logicalID=id)
        if packet is not None:
            if id == 0 and st.session_state.writer_0 is not None:
            elif id == 1 and st.session_state.writer_1 is not None:

# Streamlit login logic
if st.session_state.logged_in:
    st.write("Welcome, you are logged in!")

    st.write("Please enter the required fields below.")
    patient_name = st.text_input("Please enter your name:")
    date = st.text_input("Please enter the date (e.g., 11_7_24):")

    # Display an alert if patient name or date is not provided
    if not patient_name or not date:
        st.warning("Please fill in both 'Name' and 'Date' before starting data collection.")

    st.subheader("Click the button below to toggle data collection")

    # Toggle button to start/stop data collection
    toggle_button_label = "Start Data Collection" if not st.session_state.data_collection_active else "Stop Data Collection"
    if st.button(toggle_button_label):
        if not st.session_state.data_collection_active:
            # Start the data collection
            if patient_name and date:
                iteration = start_recording(patient_name, date)
                #st.success("Data collection has successfully begun.")
                # Setup for the sensor
                senCom = USB_ExampleClassStreamlit.UsbCom(PORT, timeout=TIMEOUT)
                senTSS = None

                    st.write("Initializing sensor...")
                    senTSS = ThreeSpaceSensor(senCom, streamingBufferLen=1000)
                    st.write("Sensor initialized successfully")
                    st.success("Recording started. Data collection has successfully begun.")
                except Exception as e:
                    st.error(f"Error initializing sensor: {str(e)}")
                    st.error("Make sure the sensor is connected to the correct COM port.")
                    st.error("If the sensor is powered off, turn it on and try again.")

                if senTSS:
                    for id in LOGICAL_IDS:

                    # Collect data in the background
                    while st.session_state.data_collection_active:
                        sleep(0.01)  # Adjust this based on your desired sample rate
            # Stop the data collection
            st.success("Recording stopped. Data collection has successfully ended. Thank you!")