My streamlit app on Hugging Face Spaces gives different content in a list of choices

My streamlit app on Hugging Face Spaces gives different content in a list of choices for me when compared to another user.

I have a Streamlit app running on my Hugging Face Space. In this app I give the user a choice of which language to use for the LLM to use for its answer.

The possible choices are: Nederlands Engels Duits Frans Spaans Italiaans

When I myself run my app, I can choose Nederlands from this list because it shows up as a possible choice.

But I have a user who runs the same online app, but the list is only 5 instead of 6 items long and Nederlands is not in his list!

I have no idea why or how that even can occur!

This is the code I use in my streamlit to choose the language:


option = st.selectbox(
    'In welke taal wilt U Uw vragen stellen en de AI laten antwoorden? Keuzemogelijkheden zijn : Nederlands, Engels, Duits, Frans, Spaans, Italiaans.',
    ('Nederlands', 'Engels', 'Duits', 'Frans', 'Spaans', 'Italiaans'))

The strange thing is, that the choice β€œNederlands” shows up as the choice β€œEnglish” in his app !

What he gets to see in his list of choices of languages is:
English (instead of Nederlands !)

Can somebody help me with this problem?

Hi @tvscitechtalk

This seems to be an unexpected behavior of the app, have you tried rebooting the app or redeploying to see if this is still the case?

Yes, I have rebooted the app more that once with no difference.
On Hugging Face Spaces you can also give it a complete hard reset, but this also did not work out.

Redeploying I will try this one of the coming days, and get back here when I know the result of that !