Navigating to pages

Hi, I have created a multipage app on streamlit using a navbar instead of a sidebar using the below code.
page = [“Home”, “Quality Controls”, “Vocabulary Mapping”, “Cohort Discovery”]
selected_page = st_navbar(page, logo_path=logo_path, options=options)

functions = {
“Home”: show_home, # imported functions from another python script
“Quality Controls”: show_qc,
“Vocabulary Mapping”: None,
“Cohort Discovery”: show_cohort,
go_to = functions.get(selected_page)
if go_to:

But I am trying to create an additional feature on the main home page which shows a summary of a few mutlipages. I am trying to get clicking on the image or title in the summary to navigate to that main page. I can seem to use switch_page since I am not using the side bar. The below is where I am trying to add the navigation -
pg1, pg2, pg3 = st.columns([1, 1, 1], gap=“large”)
with pg1:
st.image(“assets/qc.png”, use_column_width=True)
st.title(“Quality Controls”)
with pg2:
st.image(“assets/map.png”, use_column_width=True)
st.title(“Vocabulary Mapping Assistant”)
with pg3:
st.image(“assets/ERD.png”, use_column_width=True)
st.title(“Cohort Discovery”)

Hey @DeeTherese! Welcome to the community!

I think you have a lot of things working here. I’m trying to understand the goal. You mention here:

I am trying to get clicking on the image or title in the summary to navigate to that main page.

I don’t believe there’s an easy way to have images become links without adding some HTML/CSS (we can talk more there). You could try st.page_link which will provide a button, or you can combine st.switch_page with an action like so:

if st.button("Go to this page"):

Docs on st.switch_page is here. Let us know if you have any more questions.

Ah. The custom component handles navigation differently. There may be some interaction with the custom component that could help here, but we would need to go into the details.

Perhaps @gabrieltempass might be able to provide some tips here :slight_smile: .

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In order to create a multi-page streamlit app , this medium is a very good read .