Hi, I have created a multipage app on streamlit using a navbar instead of a sidebar using the below code.
page = [“Home”, “Quality Controls”, “Vocabulary Mapping”, “Cohort Discovery”]
selected_page = st_navbar(page, logo_path=logo_path, options=options)
functions = {
“Home”: show_home, # imported functions from another python script
“Quality Controls”: show_qc,
“Vocabulary Mapping”: None,
“Cohort Discovery”: show_cohort,
go_to = functions.get(selected_page)
if go_to:
But I am trying to create an additional feature on the main home page which shows a summary of a few mutlipages. I am trying to get clicking on the image or title in the summary to navigate to that main page. I can seem to use switch_page since I am not using the side bar. The below is where I am trying to add the navigation -
pg1, pg2, pg3 = st.columns([1, 1, 1], gap=“large”)
with pg1:
st.image(“assets/qc.png”, use_column_width=True)
st.title(“Quality Controls”)
with pg2:
st.image(“assets/map.png”, use_column_width=True)
st.title(“Vocabulary Mapping Assistant”)
with pg3:
st.image(“assets/ERD.png”, use_column_width=True)
st.title(“Cohort Discovery”)