NDVI-Viewer: Vegetation Health Monitoring App

NDVI Viewer

Monitor Vegetation Health by viewing & comparing NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) values through time and location with Sentinel-2 L2A Satellite images On The Fly!

User guide:

  1. Upload a GeoJSON file of your AOI (area of interest/study)
  2. Select the initial date and the updated date to compare with
  • Optional - Image Quality: select the percentage of clouds in the image collection: Higher cloud coverage gives you access to more images within your collection but with more cloud. Lower coverage value gives you less images within your collection but with clearer view when available.
  • Optional - Accessibility: In cartography we use colors a lot and purposefully; For users with colorblindness disability, the app offers color palettes adapted to most common forms of colorblindness.

Give the app a look and leave your feedback on the forum! Don’t hesitate to open an issue on GitHub if you encounter bugs or want to contribute (coding a feature, suggestions, signal bugs… )

PS: I use Streamlit Cloud free plan tier so the app may crash sometimes due to resources excess and needs rebooting. (If you have suggestions on optimizing resource management let me know!)



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