New Component: Streamlit Avatar

Hello Streamlit community.
This is a very tiny component, but I made it to contribute to the styling of Streamlit.

Github: ppspps824/streamlit_avatar (
PyPI: streamlit-avatar · PyPI


Installation instructions

pip install streamlit-avatar

Usage instructions

Simple Usage

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_avatar import avatar

result = avatar(
            "url": "",
            "size": 40,
            "title": "Sam",
            "caption": "hello",
            "key": "avatar1",
            "url": "",
            "size": 40,
            "title": "Bob",
            "caption": "happy",
            "key": "avatar2",
            "url": "",
            "size": 40,
            "title": "Rick",
            "caption": "Bye",
            "key": "avatar3",

""" Return

Using Base64

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_avatar import avatar
import base64

def get_image_base64(image_path):
    with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file:
        return base64.b64encode("utf-8")

image_path = "assets/image.png"
image_base64 = get_image_base64(image_path)
image_url = f"data:image/png;base64,{image_base64}"

result = avatar(
            "url": image_url,
            "size": 40,
            "title": "Sam",
            "caption": "hello",
            "key": "avatar1",


A very simple and user-friendly component, please consider adding callback parameters.

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Hi! @lkdd-ao
Thanks for the feedback.

What parameters would be useful to return?
I am willing to do it.

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I personally think that key and title are useful. When multiple avatars exist, key serves as the unique identifier and title serves as the client response value. Thank you. :blush:

I made a typo! I recreated it as streamlt_avatar.
And now it returns title and key.
I fixed the first post so check it out.

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Thank you very much. I will try to use it as a user avatar and user selection list. The minimalist design allows it to be quickly applied in my web application.