New Component: streamlit-stl, a new way to display 3D models!

Hi everyone,
I made a new scrappy component to easily display 3D models from STL files (the program is based on three.js).
It is pip-installable too.
You can find an example web app here:
The code here: GitHub - Lucandia/streamlit_stl: A Streamlit component to display STL files


Very cool!

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This is awesome! :star_struck:

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Perhaps you can try displaying 3D model files with multiple colors. As far as I know, glb files can contain color markers. I am using to display the model in Streamlit, but this is done through direct HTML embedding rather than wrapping it into a proper component. I believe using three.js might yield better performance. Looking forward to further developments in your project.

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Amazing, thanks for sharing. Super helpful for one of my projects in particular!

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TIL about GLB files and those can be read with pyvista and rendered with stpyvista too!


STL files are also supported by stpyvista, but if you don’t need the full power of pyvista, @lmonari5’s component looks pretty good.


Yes, for a more complex render, I suggest using pyvista.
I just wanted to use CadQuery for 3d modelling and display in a streamlined way, as you can see here for dual letter illusion or hooks for 3d printing
I faced some troubles with the VTK module requirements from Cadquery vs Pyvista.
Instead, streamlit_stl doesn’t have any particular requirement, so it should be quite stable/reliable for simple use

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Bringing together 3D printing and Streamlit?! Nice!

Haven’t touched my 3D printer in ages (Lulzbot Taz 6) but this is making me want to dig through STLs and get making again. Thank you


Trop fort ! Un grand merci Ă  toi !
Is it possible to set opacity ?

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Thank you so much!
No, sorry, I didn’t think about setting the opacity

Hi Samuel,
I just updated the code, and now is possible to set the opacity. You can just do pip install streamlit-stl --upgrade and set the opacity between 0 and 1!

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That’s perfect ! :ok_hand:

Many Thanks Luca !