Thank you!
For you question, I think the answer is yes.
You can access the frame arrays in the transform()
method of your VideoTransformer
Please check the code below. I hope it meets your needs.
Note that these snapshots are taken on the server-side, not on the frontend,
then if there is a network delay, there will be a delay in when the photos are taken.
import threading
from typing import Union
import av
import numpy as np
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_webrtc import VideoTransformerBase, webrtc_streamer
def main():
class VideoTransformer(VideoTransformerBase):
frame_lock: threading.Lock # `transform()` is running in another thread, then a lock object is used here for thread-safety.
in_image: Union[np.ndarray, None]
out_image: Union[np.ndarray, None]
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.frame_lock = threading.Lock()
self.in_image = None
self.out_image = None
def transform(self, frame: av.VideoFrame) -> np.ndarray:
in_image = frame.to_ndarray(format="bgr24")
out_image = in_image[:, ::-1, :] # Simple flipping for example.
with self.frame_lock:
self.in_image = in_image
self.out_image = out_image
return out_image
ctx = webrtc_streamer(key="snapshot", video_transformer_factory=VideoTransformer)
if ctx.video_transformer:
if st.button("Snapshot"):
with ctx.video_transformer.frame_lock:
in_image = ctx.video_transformer.in_image
out_image = ctx.video_transformer.out_image
if in_image is not None and out_image is not None:
st.write("Input image:")
st.image(in_image, channels="BGR")
st.write("Output image:")
st.image(out_image, channels="BGR")
st.warning("No frames available yet.")
if __name__ == "__main__":