New Component: Streamlit-Wordcloud, a new component to build beautiful and interactive wordclouds with Streamlit

Hello all,

I just published a new component for Streamlit which will let you build beautiful and interactive wordcloud visualizations.

For installing the package you can simply use:
pip install streamlit-wordcloud

And then import it in Python:
import streamlit_wordcloud as wordcloud

More information on the component and its usage, please refer to the following repo:

I’m looking forward to your inputs and contributions for making this component better for the community!


Welcome to the Streamlit community @rezaho! It’s always great when a person’s first contribution is a Streamlit Component! :partying_face:



hi @rezaho , your component ist fanastic and super convenient to use. I created a wordcloud chart of the first names in our city in the first half of a rainy Sunday morning: first names. And as always, data wrangling used up most of the time. One day I have to get myself to write components too, can’t believe you did this for your first contribution!

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Your App is amazing! can you share the source code :rofl:?

@Nic-py: sorry just saw your question today. The source code ist here: GitHub - lcalmbach/names-ch: a explorer for names in switzerland, starting with the canton of Basel-Stadt

Awesome :slight_smile:

Feel free to add it to the Components Tracker so we don’t lose track of it!

Have a nice day,
Fanilo :balloon: