New York City High School Filter

The New York City High School Filter makes narrowing down the list of public high schools and programs much easier. What takes hours elsewhere can be done in minutes using the tool!

Applying to public high schools in New York City is a big challenge. Families must rank order twelve programs from more than 900 offered by more than 400 schools. A city provided tool has great data but also some significant limitations: it doesn’t allow filtering based on numeric attributes (such as graduation rate) and it does not present results in a way that makes it easy to compare schools and programs at a glance.

The New York City High School Filter solves this by allowing filtering based on any available attribute and displaying results in a customizable table for easy comparison. It is free to try with a small sample of schools but costs $49.95 for one-year access to the full list of all 400+ public high schools and 900+ programs.

This video shows it in action.

From a technical perspective some highlights of interest to the Streamlit community include:

  • Authentication and subscription: Started with the st.paywall library but modified it, most notably to support multiple Oauth authentication providers (LinkedIn as well as Google)
  • Flexible filtering: All fields in the underlying data set are available to be used as columns and filters, but displaying them all by default would look terrible. So the tool defaults to a curated list but allows users to dynamically add and remove fields to be displayed in the table or used as filters
  • Data: All the underlying data is publicly available, but it is not provided in an easy-to-use format. Getting usable data requires either a web scraper or a programmatic approach to refactoring a publicly available .csv file

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