🌁 [Oct 3] Streamlit Meetup San Francisco

It’s time to get together in San Francisco!

Join us at the AWS Loft in SF on Thurday, October 3rd, to explore cutting-edge applications of Streamlit, Dask, Cloudflare & Snowflake. Plus, meet other Streamlit devs, network, and enjoy yummy food. :partying_face:

:date: When: October 3, 2024, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM PT
:round_pushpin: Where: AWS Loft, San Francisco

:point_right: RSVP Here :point_left:

Streamlit SF Meetup


β€’ Build a Streamlit chatbot using RAG and LLMs by Shivali Naik
β€’ Build a Youtube analytics dashboard with Streamlit Chanin Nantasenamat
β€’ Build scalable ETL pipelines with Dask & Streamlit Sarah Johnson
β€’ Optimize travel with a map-based path generator using AI & Streamlit Elizabeth (Lizzie) Siegle

Don’t forget to bring your demos and hiring info! Let’s connect and learn. :balloon: