Private repository

is it possible share our app in private repository github???

Hi @Behin1400,

Not sure, but you can try to add a private repo using a token.
After you create the token, when you’re deploying your app, choose: “paste GitHub URL”

The URL you’re pasting in should look something like this:
https://[username]:[token][organisation / username]/[repo name].git

Hey @Behin1400,

First, welcome to the Streamlit community! :tada: :tada: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :star_struck:

If I understood your question correctly (that is you have created a private repository on Github that you would like to deploy on Streamlit Sharing) the answer is no.

This is planned to be a Streamlit for Teams feature though, and depending on what you’re looking to do, this might be something you are interested in. Its currently in a private Beta and we are looking to release this later this year.

I will put the link below so you can sign up to get updates if this sounds like something that might be helpful:

Happy Streamlit-ing!

thanks betman :pray: :pray: :pray:

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Thanks marisa :pray: :pray: … Long may streamlit reign :heart:


8 posts were split to a new topic: S4T signup issues

I signed up for Teams and changed the settings on Github to make my repo private, but streamlit can’t find my .py file. Does the private repo feature exist or is it still in dev?


This too doesnt work.