Query on Streamlit Telemetry and Usage Data

Kindly note this is not a debugging post, but rather a query on using Streamlit.

The privacy notice says that streamlit collects some informations in which I came across the following snippet.

My question regarding the above section is that :

  • Is the above data collected separately while using Streamlit ?
  • If I use gatherUsageStats = false will these Usage data be collected ?
  • It also mentions pages that I visit before and during my use of the Services will also be collected.

At the starting it is mentioned our website, hosting service for applications (“Community Cloud”), forums, blogs, and related online and offline offerings (collectively, the “Services”)
So as per my understanding the offline offerings means the streamlit which I will be using locally also comes under “Services”.

Since I will be using Streamlit for the first time these questions are necessary for me to understand. I will be grateful if someone could help me with the details.

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Hi @write2diba,

Apologies for our delayed response.

When using our Streamlit products and services, we automatically collect some data. For the open source software side specifically, yes – you can turn off summary statistics by changing your config file to set browser.gatherUsageStats = false. If you use Streamlit locally and adjust your setting in this way, then Streamlit will not track anything.

Hope this helps clarify!

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