Reboot App on Schedule


I have a streamlit app that pulls AWS secrets that will change once a month, this means I need the app to reboot and pull those secrets on a monthly basis but I can’t figure out how to reboot the app on a schedule. Does anyone know how I can reboot the app without needed to manually do it?

If I use this:

st.session_state.app_runs += 1
st.button("Rerun full app")

Does this reboot my app?

if it’s running full time, then you probably have a scheduled task or cron job or something running your script. Just set the schedule to restart it every month

Hi @Steve_Liu, yes, how would this be done though? I was trying cron jobs and it doesn’t seem to accept redirected links and I’m not sure how to get this done exactly.

since you’re trying cron, it sounds like you’re using linux.
how are you setting the cron job? cmd line or editing the cron table? it would help if you show what you’re trying and the corresponding error

I’m not using linux or currently have a cron job.

I have a python script that lives in GitHub and Streamlit is calling that script. I am trying to find a way to have the streamlit app reboot on a schedule and I’m not sure where to start.

Sounds like you have a script on the Streamlit Cloud. In that case, this topic should be opened in the Community Cloud forum. Most topics here assume some form of self hosting

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