Please consider this code. It reloads getdata() when I enter a certain date.
def getdata():
# download tons of data from Dutch government site
df = /thedatadownloaded in a dataframe/
return df, UPDATETIME
def main():
df_getdata, UPDATETIME = get_data()
df = df_getdata.copy(deep=False)
until_ = st.sidebar.text_input('enddate (yyyy-mm-dd)',today)
UNTIL = dt.datetime.strptime(until_,'%Y-%m-%d').date()
st.error("Please make sure that the enddate is in format yyyy-mm-dd")
if until_ == "2023-08-23":
st.sidebar.write("Clear cache")
until_ = "2021-01-01"
st.sidebar.write("To start change a setting!\nChange the date afterwards!")
Consider the code above. It is made to manually empty the cache. If I enter the magic date and change an option, the reloading begings. But if I change the date after, it empties the cache and reloads the data again.
My questions:
- Why do I have to change an option? I would expect that the clearing of the cache starts at the moment that I enter the magic date and hit the button enter
- Why does it clear the cache again if I set the date back to the current date?
Complete code can be found here COVIDcases/ at main · rcsmit/COVIDcases · GitHub
The app is here
Thanks in advance