I would like to remove the labels on the echart, they are marked in red in the picture
Steps to reproduce
Code snippet:
with open("./data/product.json", "r") as f:
data = json.loads(
option = {
"title": {"text": "Sankey Diagram"},
"tooltip": {"trigger": "item", "triggerOn": "mousemove"},
"series": [
"type": "sankey",
"data": data["nodes"],
"links": data["links"],
"emphasis": {"focus": "adjacency"},
"levels": [
"depth": 0,
"itemStyle": {"color": "#fbb4ae"},
"lineStyle": {"color": "source", "opacity": 0.6},
"depth": 1,
"itemStyle": {"color": "#b3cde3"},
"lineStyle": {"color": "source", "opacity": 0.6},
"depth": 2,
"itemStyle": {"color": "#ccebc5"},
"lineStyle": {"color": "source", "opacity": 0.6},
"depth": 3,
"itemStyle": {"color": "#decbe4"},
"lineStyle": {"color": "source", "opacity": 0.6},
"lineStyle": {"curveness": 0.5},
st_echarts(option, height="500px")
If applicable, please provide the steps we should take to reproduce the error or specified behavior.
You just need a sankey chart and move the mouse pointer above the graph
there’s one example here:
select on the left Sankey with Level Settings
Expected behavior:
To remove the white label with values, so i could see the graph in detail
Actual behavior:
There’s a white big label with values, and I’d prefer to hide them