Request to increate the resource limit

Hello, Streamlit team,

I first sent an email to, which was instructed as “send us” link in this page, but it returned an address-not-found error.
Then, I post the message here.

I am @whitphx, a developer of a custom component “streamlit-webrtc”,
and would like to request you to increase the maximum number of apps of my Sharing account.

Currently I have 3 apps being deployed, and want more slots

Thank you in advance.

Hi @whitphx,

Thank you for sharing with the Streamlit community! Although 3 deployed apps is our maximum, Streamlit for Teams allows you to deploy more than 3 apps.



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Hello, Streamlit team,

I deployed 3 apps until now, but I need to deploy one more, could you please extend the limit for one more app.
Thanks in advance

Kind regards
Amir Mokhtarian

That limit was removed years ago. You can deploy as many applications as you want.

Thanks for your reply.