I’ve created a Steamlit based data viz app and have deployed it on TestPyPi - however, I am now not sure how the end user/ installer of the package will be able to launch it?
I created a run_me.py file with the below in:
import sys
from streamlit import cli as stcli
sys.argv = ["streamlit", "run", "basic_app_4.py"]
However, I really need to pass in the full path (location) of where the basic_app_4.py file will be located (as placed during the install).
I found a way to get the path - however I can’t find a way to include that path before the .py file listed above.
I am new to this - so not sure it’s even possible or if I am explaining myself correctly.
Ultimately - I want installers of the package to be able to launch the app - just don’t know best how to achieve it! TIA