Script rerun when i change selectbox option while using multicolumn Buttons

script rerun when i change selectbox option, I know that the streamlit code runs from tops to bottom for every action, and there is 2 soloutions (caching and SessionState) i tested caching and it didn’t work for me and for the SessionState i don’t know how to implement it

here’s the code

import streamlit as st

col1, col2, col3 = st.beta_columns(3)
if col1.button("CARTE"):
    sel_Map = st.selectbox("Choose Map type :", options=['Hello1', 'Hello2'], index=1)
    if sel_Map == 'Hello1':
        st.write("Hello world! 1")

    elif sel_Map == 'Hello2':
        st.write("Hello world! 2")

if col2.button("TABLEAU"):
    st.write("Hello world! 3")

if col3.button("SYNTHÈSE"):
    st.write("Hello world! 4")

I figured out how to use the SessionState so it turned out great here’s the solution

import streamlit as st
from src.pages.sessionState import SessionState

session_state = SessionState.get(col1=False, col2=False, col3=False)
col1, col2, col3 = st.beta_columns(3)
col1_one = col1.button("CARTE", key="1")
col2_one = col2.button("TABLEAU", key="2")
col3_one = col3.button("SYNTHÈSE", key="3")

if col1_one or session_state.col1:
    session_state.col1 = True
    session_state.col2 = False
    session_state.col3 = False
    sel_Map = st.selectbox("Choose Map type :", options=['Hello1', 'Hello2'], index=1)
    if sel_Map == 'Hello1':
        st.write("Hello world! 1")
    elif sel_Map == 'Hello2':
        st.write("Hello world! 2")

if col2_one or session_state.col2:
    session_state.col1 = False
    session_state.col2 = True
    session_state.col3 = False
    st.write("Hello world! 3")

if col3_one or session_state.col3:
    session_state.col1 = False
    session_state.col2 = False
    session_state.col3 = True
    st.write("Hello world! 4")
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